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These are notes (well, more mini-books), some I've taken while pursuing a degree in applied physics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, others in my independent research and learning.

Most of these notes are at a college undergraduate level, some at a graduate level, but they are written to be self-contained so that if you read them in order, they require no prerequisites except a general high school education; everything else is developed on the way. I firmly believe that anyone with a curious mind and a determined willingness to learn can read through and get to understand all of them.

Where external licensed/copyrighted material is included, it is used under fair-use for purely educational purposes. Other than that, these notes are my own work and are freely usable with no restrictions. That is to say, they are dedicated to the public domain, or if your jurisdiction does not support that, provided under CC0. However, while I don't enforce it, I would prefer that you don't sell these notes or make/sell print editions. These notes are meant to be freely available online, and it is only right to show respect to the professors whose courses made these notes possible.

Also note that a lot of these notes contain graphics/equations. Equations can be copied just by selecting and Ctrl/Command + C; for graphics, right-click and you should be able to choose "save as image" to download. There is work-in-progress support for AI-generated image descriptions for screenreaders.

Interested in how I make these notes? See here for my workflow.

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