Natron 2.4.3 Released

Render progress indicators, color palette support, project backup improvements, and bug fixes!

Natron 2.4.3 is here! As with all major releases everything you need to get started can be downloaded here! Downloads for previous versions can be found on GitHub.

This will probably be the last version supporting Python 2.7. Development will focus on supporting Python 3 and Qt 5, especially in the binary releases:

  • Natron 2.5 will support Python 3 (Python 2 will be dropped).
  • Natron 2.6 will support Qt5 (Qt 4 support will be dropped).

Major Changes

  • Added palette support in color selector. #754
  • Allow creating a node with the same name that was just deleted. #732
  • Natron can now keep up to 32 project backups (see Preferences/General/Save versions). #562
  • Only display the overlays for nodes that are in the viewer render path and have their properties panel maximized. Can be disabled in Preferences/Viewer. #744
  • Fixed rendering from Python (by calling app.render()) when nodes use Python expressions. #560
  • Fixed drawing of closed Bezier overlays. #659
  • RotoPaint does not reconnect to the viewer at each stroke by default. Added a button to the viewer interface to re-enable this behavior. #641

Known Issues

All Operating Systems

  • Crash when closing a project window on macOS 12+ (Qt4 only). #712
  • Rendering sometimes silently stalls after X frames. #248
  • Some image formats may have issues (PCX, PSB). #602
  • MTS video files are sometimes not read correctly. #186