Natron 2.4.1 Released

This release adds hue vs hue to Huecorrect, motion paths, and a new color selection window.

Natron 2.4.1 is here! As with all major releases everything you need to get started can be downloaded here! Downloads for previous versions can be found on GitHub.

Major Changes

  • Default number of render threads is more reasonable on multi-core systems: min(num_cores, RAM/3.5Gb). #554
  • Fix checkerboard drawing on macOS Catalina and later. #614
  • Fix undoing “Reset to default” on parameters. #630
  • Fix NodeGraph manipulation and navigation issues. #491 #627
  • Fix Retina/High-DPI display issues on macOS, Windows and Linux/X11. #635
  • Fix multi-dimensional parameter linking (bug introduced in 2.4.0 #594). #631
  • Fix bug where any argument containing an integer between commas would be interpreted as a frame range. #644
  • Python: app.saveProject and app.saveProjectAs now do project variable substitution, as in app.saveProjectAs("[Variable]/output.ntp").
  • Fix ASCII curve import. #656
  • New color selection dialog for RGB and RGBA knobs. #210
  • Fix histogram smoothing (was 5 times too strong).
  • Add Python functions guiApp.copySelectedNodes and guiApp.pasteNodes. #390 #674 #675


  • Transform, CornerPin, Position and Ramp nodes now display the motion path.
  • HueCorrect now has the ability to do hue vs. hue adjustments, with an option to change the background curve guide. #610
  • Merge: Fix behavior on most operators when A is not connected or A’s RoD and B’s RoD are disjoint. #647
  • Reformat: fix bugs when “turn” is checked with Resize Type = None or Type = Scale.
  • Write: Remove file first when overwriting. #666
  • Mirror: Fix crash. #660
  • SeNoise: Add option for colored noise.

Known Issues

All Operating Systems

  • Viewer is not updated correctly after interacting with the transform gizmo in the viewer #708 - will be fixed in 2.4.2
  • Rendering sometimes silently stalls after X frames. #248
  • Some image formats may have issues (PCX, PSB). #602
  • MTS video files are sometimes not read correctly. #186